Course code: DMW

Level:  Diploma

Duration: 3years 


Diploma in Midwifery is three years program organized by NIHS under the leadership of MOH- Directorate of Training and Professional Development.

Availability of competent and efficient human resources in the health sector is essential in the provision of the health services expected of the Government of South Sudan. A system that enhances the delivery of right quality and caliber of human resources through training is critical.


The health sector has continuously evolved and in the process presented the health worker and in particular the midwifery with new challenges. The SRH and child health challenges in the Republic of South Sudan are enormous as shown by indicators in maternal mortality ratio (MMR), 789:100,000 and infant mortality ratio (IMR), 75:1,000 (MOH 2017) with majority of the deaths occurring in the rural areas. These high maternal and child mortality ratios have been linked to shortage of competent midwifery personnel. The situation depicted above clearly indicates a need for the education of diploma midwives to meet these challenges. The diploma midwifery curriculum is specifically designed for the education of diploma midwives who are essential to the delivery of comprehensive, gender sensitive and safe SRH care including maternal and child health services at all levels of health care delivery.

Therefore, training using a competence-based approach to work alongside other health professionals would narrow the gap in health service delivery.

Course Objective

The program is to prepare professionally competent and resourceful midwifery practitioners who are capable of providing high-level SRH and neonatal care to  individuals and families in homes, communities, health centers, hospitals and clinics in the  rural and urban centers of the society.

The programme will enable the graduand midwives to achieve the following objectives at the end of the training period:

1.Become safe, competent practitioners who are able to practice autonomously to promote SRHR.

2.Be caring and sensitive and able to work alongside women and their families in the community and in health facilities adopting a partnership model to educate, advise,  facilitate choice and respond to individual needs.

3.Adopt a cultural, human rights and gender sensitive approach to provision of SRHR

4.Develop the ability to work well within a multi-disciplinary team to promote SRHR.

5.Build up good relationships and liaise with community leaders and other relevant personnel in the community to increase the uptake of maternity care, promote SRHR education strategies and to organize a reliable transport system for urgent referrals.

6.Make a positive contribution to the reduction of maternal and infant mortality and morbidity by recognizing life-threatening conditions early and taking timely and skilled action.

7.Take responsibility for their own learning by taking in appropriate clinical and theoretical support given/provided and encouraging the skills of reflection, critical analysis and evaluation.

8. Undertake introspection of their clinical practice so as to enhance and improve their future care of women and their families.

9.Recognize that learning is a life-long process and take every opportunity to keep up-todate with new knowledge and research findings and to enhance their practice with all  available forms of continuing professional education.

10. Develop into midwives who value their profession and contribute to the development of the profession by advocating change, where necessary, and by conducting research aimed at improving the care given to women and their families.

11. Developing to effective managers of a case load and of health facilities.


After the programme a graduand will be able to:

  • examine and monitored pregnant women
  • assess care requirements and write care plans
  • undertake antenatal care in hospitals, homes and GP practices
  • carry out screening tests in pregnancy and post-pregnancy
  • provide information, emotional support and reassurance to women and their partners
  • take patient samples, pulses, temperatures and blood pressures
  • care for and assist women in labor
  • monitor and administer medication, injections, and intravenous infusions during labour
  • monitor the foetus during labour
  • advise about and support parents in the daily care of their newborn babies
  • help parents to cope with miscarriage, termination, stillbirth, and neonatal death
  • writing records
  • teach student midwives
  • identify high-risk pregnancies and refer appropriately.

Program structure

The programme is structured in courses that are logically and sequentially organized to take three academic years. Each year is divided into two semesters each lasting 22 weeks of learning and teaching as shown below:

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Semester one

Semester one

Semester one

Communication Skills and Study

Midwifery Care II –Normal Labour

Midwifery in Community I (incl.Boma Health Initiative)

 Introduction to Information

Midwifery Care III – Normal Postpartum and Newborn Care

Midwifery Care V – Complications in Labour,

Communication Technology Skills

Pharmacology II

Delivery and Purperium

Foundations in Midwifery Practice


Complications in the Neonate


Communicable Diseases








Semester two

Semester two

Semester two

Anatomy, Physiology (II) and Embryology for Midwives

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Incl. Clinical Management of Rape (CMR)

Nutrition in midwifery

Midwifery Care IV Complications in pregnancy

Midwifery in Community II Incl. Minimum Initial Services Package (MISP)

Midwifery Care I – Normal

Pregnancy incl. PMTCT


Child Health (under 5)

Principles of Management and Leadership


Introduction to Research

Teaching methodologies

Primary Health Care


Research Project II


Admission requirement

To gain admission into the Diploma in Clinic Medicine and Public Health course, a candidate must, first of all, satisfy the general requirements for admission to NIHS at a diploma level. In addition a candidate shall be eligible for admissions to the DMW programme on meeting any of the following minimum qualifications:-

Direct Entry:

A person may be admitted to the diploma programme (entry into year one) via the diploma scheme if the person has:


Level completed

Results scored

South Sudan:


Senior 4 certificate

Minimum 60% average total scored in science subjects.                                                                                       



O-Level Certificate


A-Level certificate

Minimum third (3rd) Grade or

One principal passed and two subsidiaries,


Senior 4 certificate

Minimum Passed C+


Senior certificate

certificates equated to equivalent S.4 with at least 3 credits obtained in one sitting or a Certificate in a relevant discipline from a recognized institution.

Field placement and attachment

DCM/PH field placement and attachment (8weeks)



New student

Continue student

Tuition (per semester)









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